Sunday, February 15, 2009

Redesigns & Weekend Recap.

So another weekend (sadly) comes to a close. Overall, it was pretty decent. I made some amazingly tasty lasagna and had a lovely Valentine's dinner eating said dish with my man and parents. I received some lovely flowers (pink Gerbera daisies, yellow Snap Dragons & Stargazer Lilies), stumbled upon an amazing noodle restaurant (a new favorite!) with a good friend while trying to find an AIGA website launch party. The party? Not the best, but great tunes and PBR tall boys made up for it. Good times were had by all.

I thought I would post some interesting designs I came across while surfing the internets this weekend.

Designer Spacesick of Ohio made these awesome vintage-looking book covers based on famous movies. I LOVE these! I think Ghost Dad and Mean Girls are two of my favorites. So fun. Check out the whole collection on his blog. What a great idea, they truly look vintage!

Another fun find I came across through Daily Discoveries on Design, are these Harry Potter cover redesigns by illustrator M.S. Corley. I am a HUGE HP fan and really love the artwork/covers of the original books, so I was completely curious when I found these because they are amazingly different. They have such a sophistication/Peguin-esque feel to them. Redesigns are always such a challenge (at least for me) because I always find it difficult to work on something that has already been created. I get stuck on the original and have trouble moving past ideas from the previous design.

I think I am liking the Half Blood Prince cover the best from this set, but the Philospher's Stone is a close second.

That's all I've got for now, enjoy the rest of your Sunday!


  1. Oh, I love Spacesick's I Can Read Movies! I'm so glad you came across those; they're awesome.

  2. I love all of these! My friend was actually at the AIGA party lol!

  3. M S Corleys' Lemony Snicket cover redesigns are even better in my opinion! I wish they were actually published with them

  4. wow, these are fantastic!! thank you for posting about them- i love it!
    and i would be so happy to have you participate on pecannoot- submit away! :)
