Tuesday, August 25, 2009

All Work...No Play.

A quick hello in between cleaning glass, printing and putting my patterns into frames. I am in a show at the Burnsville Performing Arts Center next week, so if you are in the Twin Cities area and are in the mood for a little jaunt to a quaint neighboring borough, come check it out! The opening reception will take place September 3rd from 6-9pm and the show runs until November 8th. I will be posting photos on this here blog sometime next week as well.

In the meantime, a lovely friend of mine sent me this today and I loved it so much I thought I would share it with you. I am not quite sure where she found it, but type made out of shoes? That's like two of my favorite things put together! Heart! Thanks for sending this my way Katie!


  1. I sincerely heart this poster too, it is truly a fusion of two great things. LOVE it!

  2. Oh my goodness, this is just TOO cool...you're right...typography and shoes..how can you beat that? I absolutely LOVE lettering of all kinds so thank you for sharing this! Love your blog!

  3. Anytime, Em, and congrats on the show! Please do take photos so I can attend it vicariously. I'll see if I can find where the type came from.
