This weekend I was the lucky recipient of some great stuff from days gone by. Although there was some coaxing involved, I finally convinced my mom to part with some cookbooks that I have had my eye since I was quite small. The Better Homes and Gardens Junior Cookbook was my 1st cookbook, and my mom's too, so it's quite special. This little gem is fantastic, and here are some reasons why:

Even at a very young age I quickly learned from mom that the best way to remember a recipe (good or bad) is to make a small note on the page detailing the outcome of the meal...

Another favorite when I was young was the Pillsbury Bake Off Cake Cook Book. While not quite the vintage gem of the Junior Better Homes and Gardens, it's still a goodie. I love the photography, everything looks so calorie laden and fantastic. My favorite photo (then and now) below:

And my final score, while not cooking related, is a good one. We were going through M's Grandmother's belongings (she passed away years ago) and I was given, among other things some fantastic records. This one is my favorite:

That is one frightening rug!